Monday, December 20, 2010

Taiwan Bush Warbler: Another New Bird for the Huben-Hushan IBA Bird List

The past few weeks have seen the addition of two new birds to the Huban-Hushan IBA list. On Saturday 6 December bird banders captured an endemic Taiwan Bush Warbler Bradypterus alishanensis in the IBA. The Taiwan Bush Warbler is generally regarded as a bird of the the higher mid altitudes (1700-2600m) but can be found from 1200-3600m. It is unusual to find them in areas such as Huben with an altitude of around 100-200m. Taiwan Bush Warblers are known to descend to lower altitudes during cold periods but that is usually above 1000m.

See the OBC Imagebase for photos of Taiwan Bush Warbler.

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